1. Togawa K, Arima T, Nagashima H: Subgenemic Studies on Hepatitis B Virus DNA integrated into the Genome of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Gastroenterol Jpn 22: 612-626, 1987.
2.Morichica S, Hada H, Arima T, Togawa K, Watanabe M, Nagashima H: Hepatitis B Virus DNA Replication in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells. Lancet 8469: 1431,1985.
3.Arima T, Torigoe S, Hada H, Morichika S, Togawa K, Nagashima H: Molecular Hybridization Methods for Determination of Serum HBV-DNA. Gastroenterol Jpn 21: 486-490, 1986.
4.Hada H, Arima T, Togawa K, Okada Y, Morichika S, Nagashima H: State of Hepatitis B Viral DNA in the Liver of Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Chronic Liver Disease. Liver 6: 189-198. 1986.
5.Okada Y, Arima T, Togawa K, Nagashima H, Jinno K, Moriwaki S, Kunitomo T, Thurin J, Koprowski H: Neoexpression of ABH and Lewis Blood Group Antigens in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma. JNCI 78: 19-28. 1987.
6.Inagaki M, Togawa K, Carr BI, Ghosh K, Cohen JS: Antisense Oligonucleotides Inhibition of Liver Cell Proliferation and In Vivo Digestion. Transplantation Proceedings 24 : 2971-2972, 1992.
7.Inagaki M, Togawa K, Carr BI, Ghosh K, Cohen JS: Cell Physiology of Antisense TGF-_ Oligomers in Hepatoma Cells.
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8.Togawa K, Jaskiewicz K, Takahashi H, Meltzer SJ, Rustgi AK: Human Papillomavirus DNA Sequences in Esophagus Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Gastroenterology 107: 128-136, 1994.
9.Togawa K, Rustgi AK: Human Papillomavirus -16 ans -18 Replication in Esophagus Squamous Cancer Cell Lines Does Not Require Heterogeneous E1 and E2 Proteins. J. Med. Virology 45: 435-438,1995.
10.Togawa K, Rustgi AK: A Novel Human Papillomavirus Sequence Based on L1 General Primers. Virus Research 36: 293-297, 1995.
11.Nakagawa H, Zukerberg L, Togawa K, Meltzer SJ, Nishihara T, Rustgi AK: The Cyclin D1 Oncogene and Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancer 76: 541-549, 1995.
12.Nakagawa H, Wang TC, Zukerberg L, Odze R, Togawa K, May GHW, Wilson J, Rustgi AK: The Targeting of the Cyclin D1 Oncogene by an Epstein-Barr Virus Promoter in Transgenic Mice Causes Dysplasia in the Tongue, Esophagus and Forestomach. Oncogene 14: 1185-1190, 1997.
13.Togawa K, Yan YX, Inomoto T, Slaugehaupt S, Rustgi AK: Intestinal Cell Kinase (ICK) Localized to the Crypt Region and Requires a Dual Phosphorylation Site Found in Map Kinases. J. Cell.Physiol. 183:129-139, 2000.
14.Sabina Mahmood, Miho Sho, Yuko Yasuhara, Miwa Kawanaka, Gouich Niiyama, Kazumi Togawa, Toshio Ito, Norihiko Takahashi, Moritoshi Kinoshita, Gotaro Yamada:Clinical significance of intrahepatic interleukin-8 in chronic hepatitis C patients. Hepatology Research 24:413-419, 2002
15.Sabina Mahmood, Gotaro Yamada, Gouichi Niiyama, Miwa Kawanaka, Kazumi Togawa, Miho Sho, Toshio Ito, Takayo Sasagawa, Misako Okita, Hajime Nakamura, Junji Yodoi:Effect of Vitamin E on Serum Aminotransferase and Thioredoxin Levels in Patients with Viral Hepatitis C. Free Radical Research 37(7):781-785, 2003
16.Sabina Mahmood, Miwa Kawanaka, Ayumi Kamei, Akiyoshi Izumi, Keiichi Nakata, Gouichi Niiyama, Hideji Ikeda, Shinichi Hanano, Mitsuhiko Suehiro, Kazumi Togawa, Gotaro Yamada:Immunohistochemical Evaluation of Oxidative Stress Markers in Chronic Hepatitis C. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 6(1):19-24,2004
17.Miwa Kawanaka, Sabina Mahmood, Gouichi Niiyama, Akiyoshi Izumi, Ayumi Kamei, Hideji Ikeda, Mitsuhiko Suehiro, Kazumi Togawa, Misako Okita,Hajime Nakamura, Junji Yodoi, Gotaro Yamada:Control of oxidative stress and reduction in biochemical markers by Vitamin E treatment in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis:a pilot study .Hepatology Research 29: 39-41, 2004
18.Sabina Mahmood, Gouichi Niiyama, Ayumi Kamei, Akiyoshi Izumi, Keiichi Nakata, Hideji Ikeda, Mitsuhiko Suehiro, Miwa Kawanaka, Kazumi Togawa, Gotaro Yamada:Influence of viral load and genotype in the progression of Hepatitis B-associated liver cirrhosis to hepatocellular carcinoma. Liver International 25(2):220-225, 2005
19.新山豪一, 戸川三省, 伊福部哲, 川中美和, 花野伸一, 池田英司, 菅原 淳, 後藤研介, 吉田展啓, 内田純一, 伊藤俊雄, 山田剛太郎:B型慢性肝炎におけるHBV-DNAのCP/PC変異とインターフェロン効果との関連. 消化器 33(5):2001
20.山田剛太郎, 戸川三省, 新山豪一:B型肝硬変におけるインターフェロン長期投与とラミブジン投与の有用性. 第23回犬山シンポジウム B型・C型肝炎治療の新たな展開犬山シンポジウム記録刊行会編, アークメディア, pp101-107, 2002
21.戸川三省, 山田剛太郎,  Anil K. Rustgi:小腸腺窩細胞に発現するMAPK/CDK関連motifを有するセリン/スレオニンキナーゼICKの同定.第9回浜名湖シンポジウム記録集 再生・増殖・分化と消化器病, アークメディア, pp157-158, 2002
22.川中美和, 戸川三省, 新山豪一, 山田剛太郎:NASH. 肝胆膵 45(5):897-901, 2002
23.戸川三省, 山田剛太郎:高齢者C型慢性肝疾患へのインターフェロン治療.肝胆膵45(6):1033-1038, 2002
24.戸川三省, 末廣満彦, 山田剛太郎:B型急性肝炎と遺伝子変異. 肝胆膵 47(5):685-690,2003
25.戸川三省, 山田剛太郎:非代償性肝硬変の管理.日本肝臓学会編:慢性肝炎の治療ガイド 文光堂, 東京, pp48-61, 2004
26.新山豪一, 戸川三省, 山田剛太郎:肝癌の治療.日本肝臓学会編:慢性肝炎の治療ガイド 文光堂, 東京, pp62-68, 2004
27.菅原 淳, 後藤研介, 花野伸一, 池田英司, 末廣満彦, 川中美和, 新山豪一,戸川三省, 山田剛太郎:胆嚢胃瘻と胆嚢管瘻を形成した胆石症の1例.Gastroenterological Endoscopy 46(6):1203-1207, 2004
28.戸川三省, 山田剛太郎:高齢C型慢性肝疾患の治療−発癌抑制とQOL維持を目指して−. 肝胆膵 49(6):1015-1020, 2004
29.岡本華枝, 泉 明佳, 坂之上律子, 西野 謙, 足立会美, 池田英司, 花野伸一,末廣満彦, 川中美和, 菅原 淳, 新山豪一, 戸川三省, 山田剛太郎:C型慢性肝炎のPEG-INTERFELON α-2a 単独治療における健康関連QOLの検討−SF-36による測定−. 肝胆膵 50(2):387-394, 2005
30.山田剛太郎, 新山豪一, 戸川三省:B型慢性肝炎の抗ウイルス療法と長期予後.分担研究報告書, pp24-25, 2005
31.山田剛太郎, 戸川三省, 新山豪一:高齢者C型慢性肝炎の抗ウイルス療法.厚生労働科学研究費補助金肝炎等克服緊急対策研究事業(肝炎分野) 平成16年度 総括・分担研究報告書, pp65-66, 2005
32.戸川三省, 山田剛太郎:非代償性C型肝硬変の実態と予後. 肝胆膵 50(5):687-693,2005
33.戸川三省, 山田剛太郎:慢性肝炎の診断基準・病型分類. 内科 95(6):1134-1139, 2005
34.山田剛太郎, 戸川三省, 新山豪一, 川中美和, 岡本華枝, 泉 明佳:C型慢性肝疾患の高齢化と肝発癌の予防. Medical forum CHUGAI 9(5):27-36, 2005
35.戸川三省:慢性肝炎の新しい治療法 −肝癌の予防を目指して−. おかやま肝臓友の会会報 15:3-8, 2005
36.戸川三省, 山田剛太郎:黄疸. 臨床消化器病学 朝倉書店, pp37-41, 2005
37.山田剛太郎, 戸川三省, 新山豪一, 川中美和:C型慢性肝疾患における抗ウイルス療法と肝庇護療法による肝発癌の予防. 第25回犬山シンポジウム ウイルス肝炎からの発癌とその予防 アークメディア, pp174-179, 2005
38.新山豪一, 戸川三省, 山田剛太郎:宿主側因子インターフェロン治療効果. 肝胆膵 52(1):117-122, 2006
39.泉 明佳, 岡本華枝, 佐々木千枝, 坂之上律子, 稲田 暢, 大和隆明, 西野 謙,足立会美, 花野伸一, 末廣満彦, 川中美和, 新山豪一, 戸川三省, 山田剛太郎:C型慢性肝炎のPEG-IFNα2a単独療法における途中中止例の予測−SF36を用いた投与 開始前欝症状のスクリ−ニング−. 医学と薬学 55(5):761-768, 2006


1.Togawa K, Arima T, Hada H, Morichika S, Okada Y, Nagashima H: Subgenomes of Hepatitis B Virus DNA Integrated into the Chromosomal DNA of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Hepatology 6:A1118,1986.
2.Arima T, Nagashima H, Togawa K, Hada H, Morichika S, Shimomura H, Okada Y, Torigoe S, Yamasaki H: Serum HBV-DNA in Subjects in Positive and Negative for HBsAg. Hepatology 6: A1118, 1986.
3.Rustgi AK, Togawa K: Map Kinase Increases C-Myc Transcriptional activation in CaCO2 Cells. Gastroenterology 106: A435, 1994.
4.Togawa K, Rustgi AK: A Novel HPV Genotype is Associated with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Gastroenterology 106: A445, 1994.
5.Nakagawa H. Zukerberg L, Togawa K, Yang WI, Nishihara H, Rustgi AK: Cyclin D1 Oncogene Overexpression and Amplification in Esophagus Squamous Cell Carcinoma Gastroenterology 106: A419, 1994.
6.Togawa K, Rustgi AK: A novel Serine-Threonine Kinase is Expressed in Intestinal Crypt Cells. Gastroenterology 108: A513, 1995.
7.Nakagawa H, Wang TC, Togawa K, Zukerberg L, Odze R, Wilson JB, Rustgi AK: Esophageal Squamous Epithelial Cyclin D1 Oncogene Expression Using Epstein-Barr Virus Promoter in Transgenic Mice. Gastroenterology 108: A547, 1995.
8.Togawa K, Yan YX, Rustgi AK: A Serine-Threonine Kinase Localizes to Intestinal Crypt Cells and is Regulated by Epidermal Growth Factors. Gastroenterology 110: A484, 1996.
9.Togawa K, Inomoto T, Marcus D, DeFoe D, Brooks S, Edelmann W, Kucherlapati R, Smith S, Rustgi AK: Targeted Disruption of the Adenomatous Polyposis Coli Gene in Mice Leads to Abnormalities of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium. Gastroenterology 112: A669, 1997.
10. Togawa K, Inomoto T, Yan YX, Oullette A, Rustgi AK: The Intestinal Crypt Kinase, ICK, Has a Dual Phosphorylation Site That is Present in Map Kinases.Gastroenterology 112: A583, 1997.
11.Opitz OG, Compton CC, Warland G, Nakagawa H, Togawa K, Rustgi AK: Cellular Characterization and Successful Transfection of Serially Subcultured Nomal Human Esophageal keratinocytes. Gastroenterology 114 ; A658,1998.
12.Opitz OZ, Togawa K, Rustgi AK: Ectopic Expression of Cyclin D1 and Dominant-negative P53 Leads to Immortalization of Primary Oral Epithelial Cells. Gastroenterology 116; A4778, 2000.